My case studies are quite blunt. Primary education only, no fancy experiments and PowerPoint presentation. However, similar to most of you still alive/without excessive scarification – I’ve replaced all the fuel hoses in the boot of my XJS. I’ve done it twice – first time - brainwashed by recommendations of British Happy Customers - with use of British fuel hose products. “Hey! It’
s British made injection fuel hose, quality product – look! It has all the SAE markings on it!...”. After long exercise in the boot of XJS and final result – it went down on me out of the blue. I felt myself like Iraqi bomb technician after in-depth testing of ADE 651 device - purchased directly from James McCormick. Like a nuclear power plant manager in Germany – looking at the performance of freshly installed British Sellafield MOX Fuel. The overall result was even worse than factory hoses after 30 years in petrol. Second replacement was made, this time without usage of products carved in the shed / with fake quality testing records.
After fully completed refreshment – additional, precision permeability testing was possible. Word of the day “Permeability”.
Lookie! What a permeability! I could swear I’ve changed the gasket together with metal ring as per photo, but somehow, still rubbish…
Similar situation here, checked right after revealing issue with fuel sender gasket and also confirmed leaking some petrol vape. This one was also replaced. How can it be...
The case is simple – if you have multiple sender/sump tank gaskets in your collection, from multiple – you’ll realise that some of them are 2mm thick some will reach 3mm.
Similar “problem” applies to locking rings – these punch-pressed fabrications are having different height and sheet metal thickness.
Combination of both items above may give you loose assembly or assembly with locking ring not fully engaged.
The worst thing – if you’ll try to fit these in “conventional way”, with use of punch or two screwdrivers, with 3mm thick gasket – you will probably flex the notches on the fuel tank – causing the ring to pop out (hopefully instantly, not during the ride).
While changing gaskets on fuel tank sender / sump tank syphon – you may end up with loose fit and fuel smell in the boot. Worst scenario seems to be on the other hand – where locking ring is not installed properly/flexes out the notches on the tank - and may depressurise during the ride.
Now you’re wondering – It would be nice to have a tool that allows to push/compress the gasket while screwing in the locking ring. You have only two hands, your pecker can’t be that long and is already flimsy* (* only applicable to average age of Jaguar XJS owner). Your family members hates you – due to selfish act of spending days under rotting piece of metal…
So here it is! Jaguar XJS, XJ and XJ12 sump tank and fuel sender locking ring wrench:
If you're just an ordinary old git - I kindly explain - what you're looking at is an actual 3D model, not 3d printed part. You'll find actual part below. First, comfy variant for the fuel tank sender locking ring.
Second variant for the sump tank, the grooves should fit in exact way to provide clearances for unscrewing. At least in XJS.
Here’s the same tool in two variants. First – for the Fuel Tank Sender. Second for Sump tank locking ring – where orientation mattes – as you will more likely use it in confined space. It will work with every Jaguar Fuel Sump Tank locking ring from those years, XJ, XJ12, XJS, who knows, maybe these were even in E-types… Believe me, you will need this tool to set the gasket correctly - together with locking ring. Only pressure applied directly and equally will make this place sealed tight.
Where to get it? Just do you own one with 3D printer. Do your little bit of measuring, make 3D model, buy reel of strong filament, buy 3D printer able to work with high-temperature plastics, calibrate dimensions and run 16-hours print cycle. Easy.
Alternatively – drop me a message via contact form, I can send you the file or print one if you’ll cover material cost and postage. It won’t be nice and shiny but strong as mule.
Worth mentioning - Rochester Valve
ARochester Valve was also diagnosed as a permeable source of petrol vapour, unfortunately – location of the valve and position required to take the measurement – successfully eliminated possibility of taking any sensible photos. Rochester valve was giving decent vapour in evident way – via vacuum port used to operate it during various applications. The top enclosure cap was less permeable, however also diagnosed with noticeable reading…
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