Jaguar AJ6 3.6 Cam shaft after 18months in the dry storage. Look closer on two sections of rust. These are going to trash your engine right after some "skilled" "respected" "experienced" workshop wanker will engage starter motor.
1.Meet Bulletproof AJ6 3.6 Engine from Jaguar. this is best-case scenario, stored 15 years in the barn with 50% of the coolant still in the system. Don't expect it to look like mine. FIRST THINGs - drain the old coolant if any. Drain the fuel if any in the tank, get a reasonable battery under the charger - can be way oversized but working (no smaller than recommended)
2. Start from removing Air Filter Housing. I can ben that you'll find some vermin's leftovers inside. Housing will make some space and won't be needed until road test.
2A. Just letting you know if you don't know already. This big cylindrical thing with silver label - that's Jaguar's AJ6 3.6 Air Filter Housing (see pt. 2) If you're finding this photo helpful - you shouldn't be here, seriously.
3. Throttle Body. Spray with WD40 everywhere. grab the top and try to move it gently. If stuck - see the next point.
4. If your throttle body is moving freely - skip this point (and return later on when you'll get main shaft seals). If not disassemble, clean and assemble to manifold with layer of RTV silicone regardless of the gasket condition (you will get one leak point excluded for later research)
5. Water Pump. Easy with this one. Loosen the belt -if present- and take it off. Cut the belt if you have new one – don’t waste time, you will have 3 days to play with it. Use alternator's tension adjuster, remember – you need to loosen MAIN alternator's bolt and all the bolts from adjuster. DON'T TOUCH/SPIN the water pump pulley. Just don't.
6. Thermostat housing. Spray the bolts and mating surfaces with Liquid Wrench (recommended) What is it? Check the XJS ToolBox section. And don't give me your crap about WD40 being OK. You will have serious problem with one of two bolts here. Play with it, don’t snap it. Remove housing. Remove thermostat. Look inside - You will see white Hedgehog inside, nice isn't it? That's your Cylinder Head Killer – aluminium oxide. Attach a garden hose to the lower hose of radiator's expansion tank. Fire it up with as much pressure as it's possible. Let it drain through the thermostat housing. Close the housing without thermostat, with use of old seal or RTV.
7. AJ6 Engine's Rocker Cover. When I migrated to UK I was truly believing that everyone is washing their hands after piss or droppings release. Soon I realised that UK's meaning of word "CLEAN" is completely different than European. Returning to the subject - CLEAN whole upper part of the engine, all around the rocker cover, everywhere. NO, not in the way like you wash your hands, not in the way you were cheating your mother - by opening a tap and dipping your fingers. Do it correctly. Any dust, grime, alloy oxide, chipping paint. Everything. Use degreaser, power washer, your sister, anything you want. Miss it - you will hear the grinding noise for the next 20k miles. (assuming that you'll be successful with start-up). Dry the cover and remove the HT leads, blow the spark plug channels with compressed air (sure, you have no compressor... so buy yourself a duster spray for £5 for God's sake). Pour down some WD40 into each bore.
8. Ignition coil. Unplug HT lead, clean it/spray it with contact cleaner or UK-beloved WD40. Do it for all terminals.
9. Jaguar AJ6 3.6 Ignition Amplifier. Before you start - these engines ARE state of art. Were way ahead of it's creation time. Cannot be compared with V12 which was exactly opposite. Same as the fans of V12 rumble. Ignition amplifier is placed on the plate called heat sink. This one is made from BERYLLIUM alloy - currently used in high end electronics. Apart from being extremely efficient - it is also extremely deadly when inhaled. Now go to your boyfriend and borrow some nail lacquer and apply it on every damaged/oxidised surface of the heat sink. Now pull out the long flat plug and clean it with something (I know, you've got only WD40 right?). Plug it back.
10. After making sure that top of the engine is completely clean and dry, free from debris - unbolt the top cover with use of large Phillips screwdriver or Phillips socket (bolts on top of the cover will show you the way). There you go, your twin cam AJ6 3.6 exposed. Don't expect it to look like on the photo. You will see the rust, butter-like goo, probably seized components. Now it is your Glory Hour -sssprayyyy! Everything, any gap, bearing, seat, spring, timing chain link you are able to reach - with one and only true WD40. Do yourself a lunch break until fumes will finally vent out. Then come back, grab a syringe and flush everything with engine oil - preferably fully synthetic 5WXX or 0WXX (cheapest possible). Flush down the timing chain(s) use as much as you want, but bear in mind it will overflow on the off side of the engine (translation for non-UK visitors - offside: where the exhaust shield is located). pour the oil down through the timing chain channel 2 litres should be enough to make it much over the dipstick max level (assuming that there was century old oil inside to start with). If not - top it up. Cheapest fully synthetic will be the best.
11. Not it's time to remove spark plugs. Try it gently. really gently if seized - use Liquid Wrench penetrant (again, WD40 next to it looks like a rubbish - see XJS ToolBox section). After removal of the spark plugs (hopefully in one piece) spray some WD40 into each cylinder. Wait 10 minutes and pour down 20-30ml of fully synthetic engine oil into each cylinder with use of syringe. Leave it for now and return to CAM SHAFTS. With use of scraper, file (NOT wire brush) remove any excessive rust from the CAMS. polish the contact surfaces with 3000k sandpaper (see photo from the beginning of this article for refernce).
12. This is distributor cap (again, if you don't know that I guarantee you will hurt yourself shortly). Remove and clean contact points from white oxide (if you're on budget repair and don't have new one yet). Biggest problem for everyone - how to connect HT leads back in the right sequence. You can note it prior to disassembly. You will also find the guide in separate gallery (that's how difficult that seems to be...)
13. Lucky number 13. Often forgotten and usually snapped-off during the resurrection ops - Distributor. Remove the arm (I-shaped thingy from the top also known as a finger in EU). Seal off the vent pin hole if you have one (visible from inside). Now again, Glory Minutes - spray WD40 until it will overflow. Then pour down the same fully synthetic oil until it will start to look like a pond in Dartford industrial area. Cover with the Cap and leave it for now.
14. Time to get sweat. Make sure that the spark plugs are removed/not present in the cylinder head. Jump under the car, with use of 3/8 breaker bar and suitable socket (match the size yourself, each VIN has a different one) try to spin the flywheel each way few degrees gently. If it doesn’t move - check if your car is manual and left on the gear... Change breaker bar to ratchet. Spin the engine counter-clockwise. As long as you can, until your forearm will look like you've overdosed with wanking.
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